
Paisley showed in her first junior livestock show at county yesterday! I loved getting to watch her and see her take it so serious but also have a great time. She placed 5th in her class with her weather and made 4th alternate for the premium sale! We are so proud of her. Scout also […]

March 4, 2021

Goat Girl

Thank you so much for your patience as we’ve had the online store closed for over a month now while we made the move. We finally set a date and you can start shopping online at Farm Girl again March 18th! We will also have our doors open for our soft opening but our Grand […]

March 3, 2021

Online Store Re-launch + Save the Date

I’ve had so much fun looking back on the last 7 years of Farm Girl and sharing our story using #farmgirlruralboutiqueandgeneralstore with you all on Instagram and the blog this past week. It’s been quite a ride and I’ve truly been so blessed with all of the support and love you’ve given over the years. […]

March 1, 2021

Farm Girl 2.0 – Our new chapter

WHY A LONGHORN?An Ode to Rose + Meet Our New Girl, Mulberry! ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀I’ve had a lot of questions about the logo and why I chose a longhorn. My family raises Black Angus, Charolais, and also has Corriente cattle but several years ago, we decided to do something fun for our girls and start a small longhorn […]

February 27, 2021

Why a Longhorn? An Ode to Rose

As our daughters grew, so did our business and we evolved, shifted, changed in small areas and also bigger arenas. Looking back at old photos from when we first started in this centennial building on Main Street in Ada, Oklahoma, we didn’t have much and I’m always amazed that we sold anything at all. We […]

February 27, 2021

The Shift

The opportunities for teachable moments on hard work and customer service and instilling those qualities into our kids at such a young age has been really important to me. Taking the time to connect with our customers, many of them turning into our friends, has been such a bountiful harvest. I’ve made so many unique […]

February 26, 2021

Laying a Foundation

Today is a great day to reflect on our beginning. When I started Farm Girl, life looked a little something like this: I was a young wife + mom with another on the way. I didn’t know much about retail other than a little bit of experience I had from my first job at a […]

February 26, 2021

The Early Years

Thank you all for the sweet words today on our first introductions post! I love hearing from you all and learning about each of you! ⁣⁣Tonight will be a little more on my family. These three are my world and are my why! It’s why Farm Girl is what it is because they all play […]

February 25, 2021

A Family Business

spillin' the beans on life in rural oklahoma
Follow along @THE.FARMGIRL