I know, I can’t deal either. Scout’s birthday party theme was Farmer’s Market (post coming next week) so I wanted to somehow incorporate that into her photos. The photo above is my absolute favorite. It was so hard to narrow down a “few” to share on the blog. Now I need help choosing photos to print! […]
It’s hard to believe that I am sitting at the computer, typing this post. 365 days have already passed since we welcomed our Sawyer girl into this world. Time is such a thief. Oh, how we have enjoyed this last year with our littlest love. She has brought so much love and laughter into our home. […]
It’s hard to believe that it’s been three weeks tomorrow since Sawyer Scout joined our family. Time has been so precious and we have been soaking up all of our moments as a tribe of four. I am excited to finally share her birth story. It was such a hard but beautiful day that I will forever have […]