I started writing to Paisley when I was pregnant with her and continued on as we added another little gal to our family. I usually write something to them each birthday, when there’s a milestone, prayers over their life, tidbits about our day, or just a quick note when I’m thinking of it. Handwritten letters […]
Our first year of homeschool was nothing like I imagined. I didn’t have the structure I wanted. Often times I felt inadequate, like I was failing them. I wondered if I had made a wrong decision in the beginning or if I was in over my head. But then I realized maybe-just maybe, they needed […]
Our baby turns 7 years old TODAY. A rainy Wednesday day in June, we welcomed this precious soul into our family. She made us girl parents, Paisley a big sister, and has added more joy to our family than I could have ever imagined. She’s an absolute ray of sunshine. I don’t say this just […]
We celebrated Scout on Sunday with a unicorn themed party in my parent’s backyard. If you know Scout, you know that Unicorns are life right now. We had pizza, sweets, and water inflatables! The kids had a ball and us parents did too. There was also a unicorn appearance! Our friends brought their mini pony […]
We celebrated Scout’s first birthday party on a Sunday afternoon in June. As tradition, we had the party in my grandparent’s back yard. The rain held off long enough for us to celebrate, despite being a little muddy. The party was a dream and one of my favorites to date. We had sub sandwiches, fresh fruits […]