
I’ve always been a reader and when my oldest started to take interest, I was thrilled! One of Paisley and I’s favorite things to do is to curl up under a blanket and dive into a good book. It’s been fun re-reading some of my old favorites as well as the classics. Scout is starting […]

July 23, 2021

Favorite Chapter Books

This Spring, Paisley and I got our library cards and frequented the book shelves often over the summer. I’ve been wanting to read this book for years and finally checked it out this month. It is hands down one of the best stories I’ve ever read.I saw that the movie is coming out in February […]

August 30, 2016

Lit List | Same Kind of Different As Me

I hope your first weekend of 2016 was wonderful. We have been going through our home, purging clutter and getting items ready to sell + donate. I love new beginnings, however, the abundance of things scattered across our home can feel a bit overwhelming. I try to look at it as a clean slate and a weight lifted off our […]

January 4, 2016

In With the Old // A Nursery Addition

It’s finally here! I was so excited to get my hands on this book. Scout turns 4 weeks old today so naturally I had to get her picture with it. I’ve had so many people ask where we got her name and yes, it is from To Kill a Mockingbird-my all time favorite novel. Paisley […]

July 15, 2015

Lit List | Go Set a Watchman

spillin' the beans on life in rural oklahoma
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