I literally squealed when I got the email about partnering with Beddy’s. I’ve been eyeing these for the girl’s shared bedroom and they are game changers when it comes to bed making. Since they both share a room, it’s pretty tight quarters with two twin beds and not the easiest space for them to make […]
Banana pudding is such a sacred, simple dish enjoyed at birthdays, holidays, backyard barbecues, and many other gatherings. It’s one of our favorite deserts and my go-to when I’m in a pinch and need to take a desert to feed several. It’s also one of my most requested Hayfield Meal treats by Zack. If you […]
This post is long overdue as I’ve had one of my favorite home projects finished up for over a year now. I thought today would be the perfect time to share their room as I was asked to be this week’s feature with #thisishowiwestern on Instagram. As a mama to two girls, I couldn’t wait […]
We got back from vacation this week! Zack and I finally went on our honeymoon…almost 8 years later. Getting married young and broke didn’t provide the opportunity to take a trip before life started but we made it. We finally did it and it was the best trip ever. I shared our trip on my […]