I hope you find these posts helpful, slightly entertaining, and inspiring in some way. I've always enjoyed getting my thoughts onto something tangible, having a space to reference and reflect back on. Thank you for being here.
Yesterday we celebrated our Paisley graduating Kindergarten! I can’t believe she is going into the first grade. Weren’t we just dropping her off at Pre-K? This year flew by and she’s grown so much this year. We had some pre-graduation pictures with our friend Rikki the other day and they are something I am going to treasure forever. The morning of her big day! I took her to buy a dress for graduation and she picked this adorable one out all by herself. I’ll link her outfit details below. Their ceremony was too precious. They sang a couple of songs, had an end of the year video, and each graduate got to walk across the stage while someone read what they wanted to be when they grew up. She’s a daddy’s girl.
We are so thankful for all of the family that showed up to watch. It made her whole day! Paisley and her sweet teacher. We loved Mrs. Johnson and are so thankful for all she taught Paisley this year.Some sweet friends from school. And a pretty proud little sister who cannot wait to go to school herself. We love you so much Paisley. You make us proud every day. You are such a kind, talented, and creative little girl and you are going to do amazing things with your life. Congratulations sweet heart. I know the day will come when I have to write your senior graduation post but I keep hoping our days will slow down before that one comes. Love you bunches!